И хоть я не большой фанат всяких "ванильных съемок", мне в ноябре почему-то так хотелось снять что-то воздушное и женственное. Как раз в фотостудии JOY открыли новый зал и спасибо моей Оле и девочкам, кто помог все организовать....в общем все сложилось как нельзя лучше.
I'm not a big fan of "vanilla" photoshoot but this November made me feel so needy for some airy-fairy and very feminine look. Big thanks to girls who helped us to make this look so attractive, to my Olya and to photo studio Joy who opened a new room, So this photoshoot was meant to be!
I'm not a big fan of "vanilla" photoshoot but this November made me feel so needy for some airy-fairy and very feminine look. Big thanks to girls who helped us to make this look so attractive, to my Olya and to photo studio Joy who opened a new room, So this photoshoot was meant to be!
I have not noticed how 2 monthes of winter ended. We spent it in summer and I feel happy and at the same time a little sad about it. I missed all the Christmas holidays and I haven't seen real snow yet (only in my Insta feed). I hope I'm gonna see it this year cause we have a beautiful winter photoshoot idea and we have everything we need to make it happen.
А пока покажу вам вторую часть фотосессии с
моей Олей. Если вдруг кто-то пропустил первую, то вам сюда. Больше фотографий из этой серии вы можете посмотреть на сайте www.victoriiaz.com
Today I've prepared for you a second part of our "vanilla" photoshoot with my Olya. If you miss the first part, you can click here. For more pictures visit my site: www.victoriiaz.com
photography & idea: Victoriia Z Photography / flowers: Olga
Rastorgueva / mua: Liliya Govtvyan / Hair: Юлия Гузенко / model: Olga
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