I don’t
like winter mostly because of the small amount of sunlight. I have a birthday this
month and it’s hard to believe that one more year has passed. But, hey, it's
been a good year!
December we are planning a real vacation. Eventually plans have changed very fast and we have to say bye-bye
to lovely Italy and hi to the eternal summer country. Let it be a little secret
for now. I have a lot of plans for this
winter, a lot of autumn wedding and engagements pictures. I understand that it’s impossible to finish
all the photography 2012 this year and it kinda makes me happy because I have a
chance to take all this beauty with me in 2013.
Today is the first day after my birthday. My flat is full of flowers. I want to say "thanks a million" to all of you, for all your sweet congratulations during all the day!
Here are some of my flowers! I love the light this late afternoon.
Викуля, С Днём Рождения :)(извиняюсь, что с опозданием ) как-то я забегалась:( Желаю чтоб все твои мечты стали реальностью :) И чтоб каждый день приносил улыбки и радость :)
ОтветитьУдалитьСпасибо огромное, Юлечка! Мне очень-очень приятно!!!
УдалитьI just have to love it
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you a lot!